How The Covid-19 Pandemic Has Forever Changed The Way We Explore Sexuality

Question: There have been huge upticks in sex toy sales in the last two years. Women especially seem to be exploring their sexualities in ways they never could before. Do you think these changes are here to stay?

The new developments in AFAB and non-binary sexuality are, in my opinion, here to stay. We may be moving into IRL dating soon (well, maybe) - but we're not going to give up these new changes. 

The reasons for such incredible growth in all facets of sexuality are because of the gift of time. We've had an opportunity to devote ourselves to our sexuality like never before. 

We're free from many of the social constraints normally placed on female sexuality. Without the pressure of society constantly zeroing in on our behavior, there's more room to get weird with it. It's a beautiful thing. Sexuality has endless potential. 

Female sexuality has long been stifled and while this has been a horrible time for the world, the claiming of our sexual power has been a boon.

People are more likely to have better sex when their inhibitions are lowered - without the perceived watchful eyes of our peer group. When you're less self-conscious, you're more likely to engage in new, interesting, even fringe sexual activity because you're less afraid of being judged by others.

The pandemic has provided a grand opportunity to consider what WE want rather than what we think we're SUPPOSED to want. And this is quite a blessing.

We’ve been given the gift of time.

When we have time we have more opportunities to explore. One of the biggest things that stands in the way of couple's (and singles) sex lives lack of time. Sex tends to get kicked to the back-burner when there are a ton of other things that need to get finished. School, children, housework, and social obligations tend to be put first. 

In the pandemic, we've found ourselves with nothing BUT time. And the more time you have, the more the mind can wander - and the more your imagination is engaged, the more likely you might be to explore new sexual playgrounds. This won't be the case for everyone - many people have had a decrease in desire with the onset of the pandemic - but for those who find stress relief and joy in sex, it has had the potential to be a great source of happiness.

And when we have more time, we have more time to explore our own bodies.

I'd say that the positive impact of having less time to meet people IRL and more masturbation time is that we have more time to focus on ourselves. As women (and those raised female), we're not taught to center our own pleasure. It's seen as an afterthought - or secondary - to male pleasure. 

In the pandemic, we've had a chance to look inward and see what we actually want, what makes us feel good, and to explore that. When you learn what you want and how your body likes to be touched, your sex life with others will get better. 

Your partner doesn't GIVE your orgasms. You're responsible for your own orgasm. So, if you've spent a lot of time figuring out what makes you tick, you're in a better position to ask for what you want and to get it. Masturbation is a radical act of self-love.

If anything, the last two years has taught us that life is too short to waste on bullshit.

There's certainly an element of "live each day like it's your last" in some people's frame of thinking. We really do only live once. The pandemic has forced us to slow down and take a long hard look at our values. For some, they've figured out that pleasure was severely lacking in their lives - and instead of becoming dismayed, they've decided to pursue it with vigor. Pleasure is on the one resource that never runs out - and with only a finite number of years on this planet, you should endeavor to have as much as possible. 

Self-consciousness, while pervasive and very human, does not serve us. It doesn't feed you or make you grow. Letting go of self-consciousness and choosing to "seize the day"  with all the orgasms and sexual exploration you can handle is a beautiful way to live a fulfilled life for many people.


This article originally appeared as an interview with InStyle

Order the book: All The F*cking Mistakes: a guide to sex, love, and life.


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