The very best guide to masturbation of all time

I teamed up with Good Vibes to bring you the very best, all-inclusive guide to enhancing your masturbation practice. Enjoy!

Masturbation might be the greatest thing in the world. We are very, very here for masturbation. Masturbation for one and all, we say.

Masturbation comes with a lot of shame and stigma – and lots of myths, but we’re not about that life. 

Everyone can benefit from some masturbation tips and guidelines to fully explore self-love. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned pro, there is a lot you can learn to change up and spice up your routine.

After all, it’s not like you’re going to learn about this stuff in school. Sex Ed in America is a disaster. The most you’ll learn in a classroom is how to put a condom on. There is zero focus on pleasure of any kind, regardless of gender or genitals. You won’t even hear the word “masturbation” in any sex ed class. Everything is focused on pregnancy prevention or abstinence. While learning about pregnancy prevention is very critical, that isn’t the only thing of import when it comes to sex.

Pleasure is CRUCIAL. We need to talk about pleasure, celebrate it, and hype it to the max.

Here is your complete guide to solo sex. Because you deserve it.

What is masturbation? 

In a nutshell: Masturbation is the act of self-stimulating the genitals for pleasure – usually to the point of climax. It is an entirely natural part of being a human being. Studies have even shown that fetuses self-stimulate in the womb. Masturbation is normal and healthy – and should not be feared or demonized. 

Masturbation is, at its core, a tool for self-discovery. We need to masturbate to learn how to experience pleasure. According to data from OMGYes, only 5-15 percent of AFAB people orgasm through penetration alone. Only 1.5% do so solely by putting something inside their vaginas. According to the research, the vast majority of AFAB people masturbate by stimulating their vulva and clitoris – roughly 86.5 percent of AFAB people. 

This means that most people with vaginas require (not just want, not just enjoy, but REQUIRE) clitoral stimulation in order to experience orgasm – which you’re probably not going to get during PIV intercourse on its own. Masturbation serves as a means to figure out what brings you pleasure and orgasms so that you can communicate with a partner to have more shared pleasurable experiences. 

Masturbation truly is self-love.

Why do people masturbate?

The primary reason people masturbate is quite simple: It feels really, really good. Self stimulation is a simple and straightforward way to bring yourself pleasure. And that deserves to be celebrated.  

Masturbation can also serve as a stress reliever, as it decreases cortisol (stress hormone) levels, and promotes feel-good brain chemicals like oxytocin and dopamine. Orgasms can even help you sleep!

Masturbation is also a great way to explore your own body and discover what brings you pleasure. This can positively impact sexual interactions with partners, as you come to the table better equipped to communicate what you do and don’t like sexually.



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